All of our projects have SMSTS trained operatives at management & supervision level.
We offer a fully tested and signed off drainage system for our installation works and compile a test pack detailing the test, time, date and local authority/building control representatives signatures, this takes the strain and worry away from our clients and these can be presented with the building completion paper work.
We are happy to install shell & core packages, basement only packages, rain water only packages and a full combination of all public health services.
As mentioned before, we concentrate on Public Health installations which means our employees are better tuned to these requirements rather than switching between the other multiple mechanical & plumbing systems.
Most of our employees have been with us for multiple years and anyone who does leave always comes back to us which we think is a great indictment of how we operate from the directors through to site management.
We operate within the following fields ;
- Residential Projects
- Office & Commercial Projects
- Retail Projects
- Private & NHS Medical Projects
- Industrial Projects
- Brownfield Site Projects